Most of what we think we know about the UAP phenomenon, treated like factual material, bandied across social media dialogues, quoted in books, and referenced in public interviews, lectures, and presentations, is based on retrospective retellings, things heard from other sources, and anecdotes echoed by absent witnesses.
Personally, I'm not keen on gossip, and am broadly skeptical of hearsay reports. In the absence of facts (which is a frequent situation), I prefer to be guided by inner intuition. But are facts really so reliable? I’m now at an age where I’ve seen how data simply doesn’t tell the whole story; information is not sufficient to round out the picture of reality. Assuming what we learn from our own research and experience is accurately reported and correctly interpreted, it cannot tell us how to act in the future. Only an intuitive orientation and inner faith, belief, and commitment to our greater, non-personal ethics can achieve this.
But now we arrive at the “phenomenon,” the catch-all name that refers to the study of UFO/UAP events, as well as alien/extraterrestrial presences, and metaphysical or psychic experiences concerning what has been generally called alien contact. This, along with scant, low-quality photographic evidence, is most of all that we have. Yet, the messages and experiences reported by witnesses are so powerful that they strain our worldview, our sense of “normal.”
Whoever or whatever is the source of what we witness or experience, some facts can be deduced. Firstly, the encounters aren't random; they have been managed in a very specific way. Non-human intelligences, beings, or crafts, have been extremely selective about what they reveal, when, and to whom (more about this, further below). The reports of so-called experiencers, people who claim direct contact or encounters with aliens, have followed consistent patterns, for example, in the witnessing of craft that can move silently and quickly or in reporting characteristics common to all aliens, who invariably possess large heads, dark almond-shaped eyes, and communicate through telepathic thought transfer. These “universal” types of reports are so common that they are made light of in popular culture, due largely, in my view, to the fact that most people have not witnessed or experienced these beings, or their crafts.
Science, Hearsay, and Timestamps
Here is something that has received casual attention: a set of statements by a credible former U.S. government official regarding presumed extraterrestrial contact happening soon, within four years:
I think the word got out within the government that they’re showing up in 2027, and we better be prepared…I’ve heard 2027 in an official capacity, and I can’t reveal, so I would say that people in the government are aware of something happening, and there’s limited time, a few more years to prepare the people.
Unsettling stuff, indeed.
Yet we must first caution ourselves against the “prophet syndrome,” in which it seems anyone can skirt criticism or refutation of ominous claims by merely stating that they will happen in the future. It is obviously impossible to disprove an upcoming event, and the problem isn't just verifying the possible truth value of the claim, but also when the event is presumably going to happen. The claim about a massive earthquake in California is surely true if we believe the geological reports, but when such a quake will happen is entirely unknown (nor, to make matters worse, does it help to hear that the event is somehow “overdue”).
At the same time, Garry Nolan, whose authority in cancer immunology as well as UAP research is unquestionable, spoke for two hours on the Lex Fridman podcast without ever referring to the possibility of government disclosure:
While this omission may seem a curious anomaly, it isn't an oversight; it clarifies the division between thinkers whose primary source is data and those for whom it, instead, is the medium of the anecdote.
It may seem surprising to learn that there is too much data awaiting serious analysis in connection with UAP/UFO events. The Society for UAP Studies, for example, carries out the deepest scientific analysis of materials found at UAP incident sites, and holds workshops among science experts to understand the earthly or non-earthly origins of such evidence (see We can suspect that governments are undertaking similar and perhaps more extensive and long term kinds of analysis.
From One’s Intuitive Center: Questions and Answers
But let us put aside anecdotes and physical evidence and enter another equally relevant domain: that of intuition and its product, informed speculation.
In this domain, we can ask questions that are not bound by the conditions of what has been said, witnessed, or found. We can, using what we already know, go places no one has gone. I believe that this is what non-human consciousness wants us to do, given how secretive its exposure has otherwise been: find our own way to them and, in that journey, come to understand ourselves differently, to see ourselves as the other to the Other. That is, we might assume that we are meant to arrive at the answers on our own, without ETs delivering demonstrations or lectures, however much we might expect and desire. The reason for their reluctance becomes obvious when we ask ourselves, “Where does this line of intuition lead?”
Let us see.
Suppose, in what is nowadays appearing to be a greater likelihood, that we discover that aliens (non-humans) are in our world sphere doing whatever they're doing, or that one or more governments disclose their knowledge and evidence of craft of non-human origin.
What, at this point, which we haven't yet reached, but seem to be nearing, should our response be? Once we learn one truth, we will uncover several others as well. Have we thought all of these through? What will we learn?
We will learn that we aren't alone—I don't mean alone in the Universe, I mean alone on this planet. We have been assuming that this is "our" planet, whereas we might learn that we are the guests, rather than the masters, of this house.
We will learn that governments have kept the secrets many have suspected they did, but additionally, we shall surely learn the reason for that prolonged secrecy: humans need social structures, even unjust ones, to serve as existential reference points. If there is so much social confusion at this historical moment, the disappearance of institutions will not likely quell this anxiety, and governments know this.
We will learn the true futility of many of our aspirations; we are fighting ourselves and each other pointlessly. The quest for capital monopoly, for disseminating continual propaganda, for technologies of consumption and attention-addiction, and for mindless and escapist entertainment—these will all become pointless and obsolete on the day we learn that we share the planet with an advanced species of being.
We will learn that everything we have been taught about being kind, considerate, selfless, and compassionate serves as more than glossy platitudes; these actions may be the only path to functionally elevated consciousness.
We will learn that increased attention to the condition of others fosters the true development of our higher centers of perception and projection.
We will learn about the origins of our race, our solar system, and the universe, with its true purpose being the advancement of living, moving forms everywhere.
We will learn about time and dimensions, metaphysical transformations, and disciplines like new forms of math, linguistics, and philosophy based on symbols that are not merely communicated through biological sensory modalities but in spaces that we have not perceived.
We will learn about ourselves and the inevitability of our limited ways, even in the face of great potential, because the journey of Awakening is too difficult without spiritual guidance, which it has become fashionable to renounce and denounce.
We will learn about where the origin of our power truly lies and where the lies about power have truly originated.
Let us stop here. It is not yet our time to know these things. It seems that little can be done, because disclosure, if there is something to disclose, is in the hands of others. About all we can do for now is prepare and recognize that this may be a stage meant for us to inhabit at the moment.
A Posture of Nontemporal Clarity
And so, next, how to prepare? One cannot imagine merely buying extra water bottles as a relevant response to such a global tempest. In fact, the thought of disclosure, no matter where it takes place, seems both poignant and foreboding.
Let us confess that the depth and intricacy of speculation concerning who knows what, who is withholding what, and who is responsible for what have become too perplexing to fathom. Nevertheless, stirring up more friction and anxiety will only stoke fear and loathing and likely destroy any possible insight. External preparation is an emotional dead end.
What is needed instead is a quiet mind. In silence, one allows oneself to focus on ambient energies, to listen deeply, to focus on one path, and to feel the source of actual events as they will unfold. Knowledge of non-human life, of what it is doing, and why, is not a matter of conquest against secretive governments; it is about finding serenity, which is more important in the wake of a midnight seastorm than on the placid waters of a quiet summer day.
Whoever practices prolonged devotion to serenity is drawn to like-minded souls, with whom shared belief gradually strengthens the clarity of the path. We might remember that peace creates not only consciousness of action but also progress in action.
As we have all learned from experience, when action is directed by a silent mind, it is by nature consequential. Silence is the true source of lasting change - noise is always local; silence is universal.
Authority is Irrelevant to Enlightenment
The little we currently know of alien contact with humans, where communication has been remembered to have taken place, is always a message of some kind, and has the character of concern, primarily for the earth’s environment, questioning the benefits of technology, and imparting visions of cataclysmic events. In these messages, ETs have expressed a level of empathy in which human decisions are questioned but not overturned or altered in any way. As a planet, it seems we as a collective are apparently allowed to continue in our trajectory of intentions and actions, but we are warned that these actions will lead to counterproductive ends regarding peace, order, and planetary hygiene.
Perhaps these messages will not have any impact, since they are delivered, as far as we know, only to people disconnected from power structures – schoolchildren in Zimbabwe, housewives in trailer parks, random people with normal jobs, essentially. There is no record of any head of a major information company, oil or energy conglomerate, or politician with real power having stated that he or she received visitations or had similar encounters. It must be instantly clear to any higher intelligence that humans do not work cooperatively on a global, continental, national, or even regional scale.
We cannot be proud of living in a world in which greed, suspicion, loathing, fear, secrecy, hoarding, and control are the principal motivators for governments and corporations, even though it is exactly so everywhere on the planet. ETs have seen our weapons systems, with military reports that UFOs have been able to arm and disarm them in nuclear silos, for example. They have monitored our communications; we know this because they can skirt our pursuing aircraft before pilots can even actuate their vectors. It seems nothing escapes their awareness. Yet they do not seem to be contacting “the right parties,” who are heads of state or corporate leaders; no one in a position to create large-scale change has come forward to share ET experiences, nor has any such person sounded the proverbial alarm concerning the deteriorating situation with regard to our care for our ecosphere, save the occasional lukewarm call to action in political speeches. That these people of power are not the focus of ET contact is a potential clue that the meek shall indeed inherit the earth. It is easy to depose leaders; it is more difficult to raise the vibration of a planet.
Presumably, then, things will reach a tipping point that will require external intervention, and then, what? At that turning point, if an external race appeared before us and effected changes that reversed all of the colossally widespread man-made destructive work that is currently underway, what would result?
We would celebrate the rescue of the planet but also realize that we have lost the right to claim our role as stewards of the earth.
We would lose our apparent sense of species hegemony, institutional dominance, and existential monopoly over the planet.
We would become aware of ourselves as onlookers in the presence of others, who would then drive the management of our globe and its populace.
We would now have to confront a new kind of upheaval, borne if nothing else from a sense of planetary shame at how poorly we have treated ourselves, each other, and our homeworld.
We would now face the biggest question in our race: how could we ever return to a state where we could think for ourselves, or even in some way “prove” to such an intelligence that we are worthy of another shot at our own self-determination?
As we can see, the real problem is not that we are merely ignorant about other species here on earth but rather that we are oblivious to ourselves. We don't really need to look to science or anecdotes to help us understand non-human intelligences. Instead, intuition and a quiet mind will provide each person with a measure of understanding that is proportional to the personal time spent in honest inner reflection. What will appear to each of us is the essence of a message that has been patiently and perennially shared but not heard in its full measure.
This is not a prophecy; it is an invitation, and it’s where I've been of late.
Thank you for a well presented argument. It causes one to consider the possibility that spiritual evolution is not only an inevitability but a necessity, if we are to survive as a species.
It also poses the possibility that our “Creator” is not a divine being after all, but an advanced living entity interested in creating and observing human (and other) life forms. What if Earth is, in actuality, a Petri dish?
If we are not psycho-emotionally ready to “know” the truth, or to meet those more advanced than ourselves for the reasons you have presented, is it posible that the sudden surge and introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) that we are recently and incessantly hearing about is an indirect way for them to influence our advancement…or our demise?
Beautifully expressed. Perhaps a theme for a documentary. I think that an overview of the interplay with the phenomenon and the perennial philosophy would be extremely interesting.