Betty Andreasson: Humble Messenger of Extraterrestrial Agenda, Part 2
On The Surreal Agenda of Alien Contact with one Abductee
Where were we? There are so many components to Betty Andreasson Luca’s abduction experiences that this article - much longer than it might have been - will first outline the phases of her experience, as these phases are similar to many other abduction cases. Next, let’s look at aspects of the case as a contrast between the what of certain episodes (i.e., what was experienced, observed, and reported) versus the possible why (i.e., the ostensible motive for ETs to do what they did). Respecting that you are reading an article (and not a book), let’s confine ourselves to a few instances of what/why contrasts. Along the path, we shall see cases of body-separation (i.e., out of body experiences), ET’s actively meddling in Betty’s affairs, and the ironic contradiction inherent in the role of “messenger” that she was told she was playing out versus the inexplicability and secrecy that has enveloped the abduction activities and outcomes in her life. Finally, I close with an epilogue that recommends additional reading by three authors who are trained in research and whose books compiled patterns of experience with dozens of abductees – perhaps this is the best we can hope for in exploring the greatest continuing mystery in modern times.
The Phases
Phase 1: The sighting – As we left the first part of this story, we had introduced Betty Andreasson, and her unique case in the phenomenon of alien abduction. Her story is one of the most well-documented and intriguing cases of contact with extraterrestrial beings. On a cold January day in 1967, Betty Andreasson was a young mother living in Massachusetts when she experienced a series of events that would change her life forever. It all began on a cold winter's night when Betty was alone in her home with her seven children and her father. Suddenly, they experienced a power outage and saw flashing lights in their backyard, then a bright light filled the room, and she found herself paralyzed.
She watched in horror as strange beings entered her home, put the family members into a trance-like state, and communicated with her telepathically, sharing with her a message of love and peace - and soon afterward, transported her to their spacecraft, passing through the closed front door in the same mysterious way as they had come in. We could call the first part of this story the sighting, followed by an encounter – the first and second of several stages or phases of her overall experience.
Phase 2: The encounter – The encounter introduced, as we now see, the strange beings with whom Betty would have a long series of future encounters. These beings were small humanoid beings with gray skin (about which Betty had a theory, since they didn’t breathe air), large heads and eyes, wearing blue coveralls with what resembled an eagle patch or emblem on one arm. We can imagine the eagle to be perhaps the insignia of an elite unit tasked with the unusually complex and perilous task of traveling to another world (or dimension?) to abduct humans and carry out surgical procedures on their bodies, as well as apparently brainwash or hypnotize them into receiving (still undisclosed) information and then permanently forgetting everything.
Phase 3: The Abduction – The beings took Betty on board their craft, where she underwent a series of physical and psychological examinations. Betty communicated with the beings through telepathy and later referred to them as "the Elders." In this sense, Betty’s case is not that different from “conventional” abduction cases as described meticulously in many books (some of the most diligent and readable of which are listed at the end of this article).
Phase 4: The Journey – At this point, Betty’s story begins to provide much greater detail than we have from other abductees. Betty, we find, was not just onboard an alien craft, but additionally taken on a journey through a tunnel of light and into a different environment, where she met a large bird-like creature. She was told that this creature represented the concept of life and death, and she recalled the events with extreme detail, not only in the hypnotic regressions that comprised Raymond Fowler’s book The Andreasson Affair, as I mentioned earlier, but also in a (much less well known) book that she wrote with her husband, Bob Luca, who himself had experienced similar encounters with the beings (in fact, Betty and Bob surmised that they were meant to meet and marry, in a kind of “arrangement” set up by the aliens). Betty and Bob’s self-published book, written in 2017 after years of reflection on the many alien experiences, government harassment, and other misfortunes, is titled A Lifting of the Veil and fruitfully extends Ray Fowler’s diligent foundation in several books’ worth of research, witness, and commentary. Betty’s own written account is helpful in supplementing some of the strangest experiences with deep detail. In one abduction incident, for example, her ship appeared to suffer a malfunction which required the beings to summon a second ship to “recharge” it, while she, they, and two other abductees witnessed the “relining of the cyclonetic trowel,” as she was told. At the conclusion of this process, the large ship emitted a powerful light onto the other, which reduced the size of the smaller ship:
I was amazed and could hardly believe what was happening, for the very bottom craft appeared to be shrinking. It continued to shrink into the size of a car. At first, I was concerned about the welfare of the other humans and the beings inside the shrunken craft. But then I remembered what the beings had told me before - that they could opulate and deopulate, which meant they could increase or decrease to whatever size was convenient. (p. 85)
Phase 5: The message – The beings provided Betty with a message, which she initially did not fully understand. Later, through hypnosis, she recalled it as a message about spiritual growth, the need for humans to develop love and understanding, and warnings about the potential destruction of Earth. However, much of what Betty (and presumably others) heard remained locked in her subconscious, inaccessible to her even when subjected to hypnotic regression. In subsequent chapters of Fowler’s first and second books, the investigators’ insistent probing through such regression led Betty to shift from witness recalling a past event to a kind of medium of a message being delivered in real time warning the investigators in the hypnotic regressions that they best not delve into what is forbidden knowledge. What could this hidden information implanted in Betty’s mind be? Abductees typically report that the “message” they receive is apocalyptic; something bad will happen in the future, with the abductees led to believe that they are in some way becoming “equipped” to navigate this ominous future.
Phase 6: Return – After the experience, Betty was returned to her home, and the beings left. The family members were released from their trance-like state, with little memory of the incident. It bears mentioning that this part of the experience — where an abductee is returned to find other persons “frozen,” sleeping, or otherwise unaware of the abduction — is also a common pattern in many abductions. I would add only that there’s an element of careless haste in the return phase: often abductees remember seeing other (helpless) humans onboard the alien craft, and there are numerous reports where the abductees find themselves awakening back in their beds in the morning – but wearing unfamiliar clothes. The aliens focus on their onboard procedures, and don’t seem to care for restoring abductees’ condition on their return.
The case itself was investigated by a team of researchers, including, as mentioned, Raymond E. Fowler, who conducted multiple interviews and hypnotic regression sessions with Betty and other family members. All investigators concluded that the case was genuine and not a hoax. Additionally, Betty and her husband, Bob Luca, underwent polygraph tests, which indicated that they were telling the truth about their experiences. Here I should recommend at least the first of the five books by Fowler on this investigation; the first book, The Andreasson Affair is the main source for delving into the mystery of what these beings may want with humans - or at least what they are saying and doing (see epilogue below).. Unlike many documented cases, where questions are largely ignored or communication with the beings is largely one way (“Why are you doing this?” - no response), Betty’s hypnotic regressions recall details not reported elsewhere. What’s more, Betty’s recall under hypnosis provides details not shared or known by experiencers in other UFO abduction cases. Often, for example, Betty’s disclosures describe actions (the what of an event) that seem to make no sense, so that overall these incidents could be classified as either belonging to an explainable purpose (the why of the event) or not. Sadly, most times, the why remains unfathomable. In fact, description without explanation is much of what Betty’s recollections look like. Perhaps if she were fabricating these detailed accounts, she might be tempted to “make sense” of them for us; instead, she reports directly what she experienced, whether the aliens made her aware of their reasons or not (often it seems they were not concerned to provide complete or sensible explanations), and so we are left only with a series of puzzling activities in many of her accounts.
The example of a known purpose around a mysterious sequence of actions is the connection between abduction by levitation (which abductees typically experience when being taken on board a ship) and OBE — out of body experiences — which are not normally linked to UFO phenomena. Consider this event, as told by Betty:
[One particular evening].. Bob and I, in our bedroom across the hall from the girls' rooms, began to hear a loud noise over the house. We both started to hear a whirring sound above the roof of our room. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, and Bob was by the bed taking off his socks and getting ready for bed. The whirring sound got very loud, and as I turned to look at Bob and saw him suddenly rise up from the floor, I was shocked. He was in two places at the same time, for while he was on the floor taking off his socks, he remained there in a state of suspended animation, but his other active self was rushing toward me. It would be years later that we would find out what had happened. The presence of his double state of being, where he was in two places at the same time, is called a doppelganger effect. He suddenly rushed toward me, stopped at the doorway, and raised his arms and hands up to the sides of the door casing, and we briefly looked at each other in shock. He grabbed me to hold on, and as I hugged him, I could feel us both starting to rise upward through the ceiling, into the air. It felt like there was wind and mist all around us. There was light as we were lifted upward. I started to feel us being pulled apart, like we were going in separate directions. I kept yelling for Bob, but I couldn't seem to see or hear him in this misty fog. I was still rising upward and began to see the color blue around me, though it was quickly changing into soft purplish lavender. My body seemed as if I had no flesh color as I began to move into some purple atmosphere. My body didn't seem to have any interior color to it either, like it had disappeared from my form. It seemed like my body was a ghost's as I continued to travel upward into a golden light. My whole body started to absorb the light, and it became a glowing golden color. As I moved through this golden light, I could see other forms of golden people there as well, but they didn't seem to have any features either. I could see and hear them, and we were all moving into this large room that had a walkway and a very high domed top. From where I was standing, I could tell this was a huge round room. There was a bottom floor, where there were three tables with people on them who were covered with white blankets, and there were some smaller beings around each table. (124)
What we can know of this sequence is that the idea of quantum tunneling to which I referred earlier, by which matter can penetrate matter, has become transposed to a case of division between something like the physical and non-physical totality of a human being. The aliens, in other words, appear to have found a way to separate a person from their physical body. Leaving the physical body in “suspended animation” while another part of the self is levitated up to an awaiting UFO suggests (as did the first encounter in her kitchen, covered in our previous article) that, as the non-physical body is removed, it may be transported to a dimension beyond time. We should also admit the possibility that other alien races (Betty mentioned that there were seventy on earth) may perform a different kind of teleportation, since we have the phenomenon of “missing time,” which would not happen if everything were to be “static” or frozen together. Betty's husband Bob mentioned to hypnotists investigating his regression accounts that “these beings had told me Betty and I were present there in our spirit/soul bodies, the real person or real you—your light body. He further explained that this part of us does not die.” (The Lifting of the Veil, p. 130)
To contrast this vignette, we can consider cases where the why isn’t known (and neither is the what), such as in this case where Betty’s family has otherworldly experiences, such as this (Cindy is one of Betty and Bob’s daughters):
In our bedroom, Bob and I were awakened from sleep to see our bedroom bathed in a red light, and suddenly it sounded like hundreds of birds were singing in our room. It couldn't have been the birds awaking outside, for it was only three o'clock in the morning. We sat up in bed, stunned and amazed, until the red light and sounds of birds finally stopped. We had an additional phone put in on the second floor for the girls. Late evening, it rang, and Bonnie answered. It was a young man who wanted to speak to Cindy, so Cindy took the phone and began to speak to the caller. She recognized the voice and was temporarily surprised, for it was a young man she had befriended when we lived in Ashburnham. He was sort of a loner and had hardly any friends. Cindy's very outgoing and likes everyone, and she was easy to talk to, so while riding home on the bus, she would sit and talk with him. However, no one in Massachusetts but family knew this brand-new phone number or where we had moved to, so she thought someone was trying to play a joke on her..particularly because the young man who'd called and was talking about the past had died years ago. Yet here he was talking to Cindy. She became afraid, because she absolutely knew from what he was referring to that she was talking to the very young man who had been killed in an accident. She quickly hung up and told me the next day about the weird phone call. (121)
What possible purpose could this interaction have? No further contact from this deceased person took place after this phone call. We have all heard of ghosts in houses, and contact with the deceased is the work that many mediums perform, but never has a ghost called a living person using a telephone! Contact is never “instrumental” in this way, and so we may surmise that aliens appear to know what happens to the soul after death, and can easily cross the life/death barrier.
These are the kinds of experiences that Betty’s accounts reveal, and which, however strange, deserve systematic study. We should also add that the aliens appear to “meddle” in all aspects of an experiencer’s life, as two examples will illustrate.
In one, Bob – still an early acquaintance of Betty before they were married – seems to have been found undesirable by the ET’s:
Another odd thing happened to Bob while he was sitting in one of the ladder-back chairs at the harvest table while visiting me. The chair began to vibrate and shake with him sitting in it. He got up and sat in a second chair at the table, and as soon as he did, that chair started to move and vibrate with him on it. He thought there had to be a logical reason for the vibrating chairs. The location of the furnace was just below the harvest table, so he thought it must have gone on and somehow caused the chairs to shake. He went down to the cellar to check. The furnace was completely off, so the shaking and vibration could not have come from it. Bob and I were then sitting in the living room when I began receiving some telepathic messages. I was very tired and could tell the beings were trying to break through with a message. Bob was by my side and knew something unusual was happening. Realizing I was still quite exhausted since my two sons had died, he immediately used a mental command and clapped his hands very loudly between us, which temporarily shut off the communication. I immediately heard the messenger's voice come back and say, "He's got to go." This startled me, and I told Bob what l'd heard. He said with authority, "No way." Thankfully, their open line to communicate with me had temporarily closed. But I felt troubled over what the beings' rash statement might mean. (107)
We are told that, subsequently, Bob was found to be “acceptable” when Betty received a telepathic message with the words, “He can stay.”
In a similar case of meddling, it seems that connections between several persons involved in Betty’s life were implicitly orchestrated by the ET’s:
Much later, I was told by the beings that Fowler had been spiritually groomed to report and write about this important material. (94)
In other words, even the investigator’s role and presence had been manipulated, engineered into place within the overall landscape of Betty’s life. Of course, why the investigator is “spiritually groomed” to carry out the job of exposing what the aliens have been working hard to keep secret is an apparent contradiction.
Lastly, Betty’s life purpose seems to be wrapped around a secret message of some kind:
They began to talk to me about my life, and they said I had been watched for a very long time. Things in my life were about to change, they told me, and during those changes, I would have to bear some very difficult and unavoidable times. Certain events were meant to happen, and these changes were put into motion long ago. The beings told me, “You will try to fix some of the changes, but it will not happen. It will be a period of hardship and loss. At first, you will not understand why.” (91)
But this message – did it reach the light of day? Was it transformative in any real sense? Was she called upon to step into place during some catastrophic outcome? In the main, the answer here would have to be “No,” and this points to justifiable suspicion that what she was told concerning her purpose may not have been entirely true; Betty died quietly in 2022.
Unlike the mostly observational work of UFO observers, anyone working with abductees faces pervasively complex and contradictory enigmas that, in my view, can never be unwrapped. The best we can do is analyze cases, and place confidence in scholars who have been trained to synthesize data from multiple sources and cases. I can recommend three such scholars, whose books are systematic compilations of dozens of cases. Until one day we reach a new plateau of understanding, such compilations will remain the best we can probe of this deep and ongoing mystery. The work of the following authors should be considered alongside the books that Raymond E. Fowler wrote, which are sequential chronicles of Betty’s experiences and the investigation carried out in the Andreasson case. Fowler’s books are
The Andreasson Affair: The True Story of a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind (1979)
The Andreasson Affair, Phase Two: The Continuing Investigation of a Woman's Abduction by Alien Beings (1982. This book is out of print - contact me if you’d like to read it)
The Watchers: The Secret Design Behind Ufo Abduction (1991)
The Watchers 2: Exploring UFOs and the Near-Death Experience (1996)
The Andreasson Legacy (1997)
Supplementing Fowler’s exceptional research and writing, you’d want to consider the writings of Edith Fiore, a Ph.D. hypnotist who accidentally discovered the abduction phenomenon in her clients’ subconscious accounts. The best compilation of “patterns of experience” in many reports appears in her book Encounters: A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies Of Abductions By Extraterrestrials. While these accounts corroborate the “usual suspects” of abduction symptoms - inability to account for periods of time, persistent nightmares about UFOs, sleep disorders, unexplained healing of ailments, and reactions of fear and anxiety at the mention of UFO – they don’t offer as much information beyond these common symptoms as we find in the Fowler’s careful and diligent retelling of Betty’s many experiences.
Another authoritative work based on careful analysis of abductee accounts is Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of Ufo Abductions by David Jacobs, Ph.D., a Professor of History at Temple University. Although written in the early 1990’s, his study demonstrates the advantages of applying qualitative research methods to investigate the abduction problem.
The book is compiled from interviews with sixty individuals and more than 300 independently corroborated accounts of what by now could be called the abduction process: bizarre physical, mental and reproductive procedures that abductees claim have been administered by small alien beings. Each of three main parts of the abduction experience receives its own chapter: (1) physical probing, alien bonding, and unveiling of a breeding program; (2) machine examinations, mental testing, and the gradual exposure of abductees to hybrid children onboard the craft; and (3) sexual activity and other irregular procedures aimed at reproductive agenda. Jacobs concisely sums up the overwhelming advantage of the aliens:
Aliens do things that seem like magic to us. They make humans and their clothes go through solid matter like windows, walls, and ceilings. They cause themselves, humans, and other matter to be invisible when they are outside the confines of the UFO. By using light beams, they transport victims and even their automobiles to their destination. They seem to have a monitoring ability that enables them not only to find their victims but also to determine the biologically appropriate time for an abduction.
Some of their greatest abilities come in the area of human mind manipulation. They alter consciousness and affect people's anticipatory powers. They modify visual perceptions so that people have difficulty seeing objects close to them or discerning spatial relationships well. They interfere with people's volition and force them to do things against their will – and they can do this from afar. They mitigate fear and stop physical pain. They institute selective amnesia, communicate telepathically, and create complex images and scenarios in people's minds. They generate at will sexual arousal and emotions such as love, fear, and anxiety. They produce orgasm with mind manipulation. They make people love them. (p. 266)
A fourth chapter describes the act of returning home after the abduction concludes.
Another account of the abduction experience gleaned from over sixty cases is Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens by John E. Mack, M.D., a Harvard psychiatrist.
Over almost 700 pages, Mack finds virtually the same patterns as reported by Jacobs – surprise visitations, often in the middle of the night, by small gray beings; being “floated” through solid matter up into a hovering craft; disrobing the abductee in preparation for some medical procedure, often involving the deposit of an implant through penetration by needles or probes; vanilla reassurances by the beings that no harm will come to the abductee; warnings of impending doom for earth “if man does not change his ways;” and, among other things, a common surprise:
The abductees may actually experience themselves as returning to their cosmic source or "Home," an inexpressibly beautiful realm beyond, or not in, space/time as we know it. When this occurs during a hypnosis session, powerful, inexpressibly joyous, even orgiastic, feeling occurs. Conversely, abductees may weep with sadness when they experience having to leave their cosmic home, return to Earth and become embodied once again. (p. 66)
Betty was also told she would be brought “Home”:
They kept telling me they wouldn't hurt me and that my father knew all about it. They were very small and were wearing white clothing, which made it hard to see them, except for their gray skin and black eyes. They were standing there looking at me and said, "We're going to take you someplace; we're going to take you home" (14)
Another aspect of the abduction experience is a kind of lighthearted dance, as we see here reported by “Ed,” for example:
At this point he reported that he actually saw the spirits in the form of "mirthful little playful creatures, just kind of, just bounding around" I asked him to describe them. "They're like energy forms . . of many different kinds. There are many different shapes, colors" (he giggled at this point). He found "hilarious" the "contortions" and "mirthful" things that they can do. I ask for an example. They can "float around," he said and "change the laws of nature" by which he seemed to mean they can change shape and form. One of the spirits "is talking to me." He had long, silvery hair and an oversized head and is only a foot or two tall, like a "micromidget." The spirit said, "Well, see, I put myself like this so you could sort of look at me and relate to me.
This account seems related to what Betty experienced when she was brought to see the “One”
On my way home, the beings brought me once again to see the One, along with an Elder and a watcher. We stood before the great open door, where I could hear wonderful sounds of beautiful music and singing. The feelings of warmth and joy radiating from the living orb I held were wonderful. The music seemed to dance within the lights as if they were one. I felt a sweeping feeling of peace and love everywhere, and something strange happened to the three of us. Our bodily forms changed into beings of light as we entered the open door. The Elder immediately turned to a shining white light, while the gray being turned to a body of blue light, and I became a glowing form of yellow light. The precious oneness, unity, and feelings of peace and love rippled through my body. It was indescribably wonderful, but it seemed as if we were not there very long before it was time to go. I wanted to stay, but I knew I had to go back for others, so they would see and understand the oneness of our Creator. As we stood outside the door, a large amount of different-size, colored orbs of light were floating in the air above us, creating their special sounds of beautiful music. They slowly moved back into the light of the great door. (202)
As we can guess, there are many parallels between Betty’s reported experiences and abductees’ accounts in these books, in fact, far beyond what coincidence can reconcile. But, having entered this peculiar and incongruous subject, let us leave it for now, and move on to our next topic..