No word can better summarize what has been observed regarding UFO objects, beings, actions, and messages than “anomaly.” A cursory overview of what we have seen reported with the UFO phenomenon is itself the strongest argument for the chronically anomalous nature of these cases: the physics of the observed craft (gravitational defiance, sudden changes of direction, extreme velocity, merging of multiple crafts into one, or separation of one into several, sudden appearance or disappearance with scarcely a blink or flash) is entirely anomalous, the apparent reason for these objects being here is not clear; even if the messages reportedly conveyed to humans by extraterrestrial entities make some kind of sense (often concerning environmental warnings or visions of coming destruction), the activities to which abductees are submitted are disturbing and anomalous. The typical routine is already familiar to us: a physical examination, especially intrusive for women from whom fetuses are removed (sperm in the case of men), followed by instructions to coddle babies presented to them (usually in an incubatorium of some sort holding many other younglings or even fetuses), and these little ones appear as normal humans except for their larger eyes and impassive, unresponsive lack of "connection" with the abductee.
The problem clearly relates to a dramatic disconnect between actions performed (or utterances made) by nonhuman entities on the one hand, and humans’ ability to interpret these actions and symbols on the other. This contrast may be understood as the difference between explaining and describing. UFO abductees frequently remember what they have observed or been told, and are given "demonstrations" of potential future scenarios of global destruction, it seems, for some reason. Sometimes their captors inform them of the solar system from which they come – Betty and Barney Hill, subjects of one of the most well known abduction cases, were shown a sort of line drawing by the ETs that was later shown to map directly over the Zeta Reticuli star system. Betty Andreasson Luca was told by her alien abductors that they came from "Star Seeso" (unknown in our astronomical nomenclature) and mentioned "Sombleado" as well, along with a seemingly endless succession of zeros, which she was told represent not miles, but "starbursts." It seems that these beings know much more about our anatomy than they do about converting distance into miles, parsecs, astronomical units, or light years – or they don't care to inform us too accurately.
But the reason for any of these actions or conveyances is never conveyed. Thus, abductees can readily describe long sequences of events or communications, but can never explain them, simply because they don't make sense to us and explanations are not provided.
Why would an explanation be prohibited for events for which observation, recall, and description are permitted? Recall has been a struggle for many abductees, but not all. Non-abductess often discover craft by accident, as if both the craft and the human observer are caught unaware of each other. Do aliens need to show us certain things while they attempt to do something? Are they convinced we lack the cognitive abilities to decipher their actions? Perhaps they aren't aware, or don't care about what we see. Perhaps operating in a three dimensional world is something they aren't comfortable doing.
The public sphere, now defined mostly by activity on social media platforms, continues in frustration to seek answers from experts, governments, or anyone they feel can provide a good piece of the puzzle, while, in the absence of factual concrete, they believe most everything they tell each other.
There is only one tenable position to adopt. No other will do. The reasoning-out of the UFO phenomenon has exhausted its value and utility. There are no "facts" that can lead to any satisfaction, for even if a government confessed to having alien crafts, this would only breed more questions. Everything invites something else. What is needed is a way of thinking about all of this that has a destination or leads to a sense of finality, rather than back to more questions.
Everyone wants a closer look at the government's files, its evidence, and its installations. Many are also taking a closer look at the testimony given in certain hearings. Many photographs and video captures of strange objects resembling cubes, orbs, discs, cigars, chevrons, croissants, and more have been given a closer look by many people, myself included. There are fragments of metal supposedly from crashed extraterrestrial crafts, not to mention the possibility of entire crafts, we are told, as well as orbs awaiting examination under laboratory analysis – all of these are efforts toward a closer look. It's all about getting a closer look at things.
What would be learned from these closer looks? Metal fragments removed from certain individuals claiming that these are alien tracking devices installed during abduction episodes have been chemically analyzed, and determined to be of unknown origin. If they were from a planet in another star system, we could not confirm this without a careful analysis of the range of materials that could be produced there, assuming we could even know what planet that is, and could reach it.
Two facts strike a chord here that many will not find edifying. First is the problem of access. None of the technology needed for proper analysis is available. Bob Lazar claims that the US government has been in possession of recovered alien craft that, after many years of analysis, it hasn't been able to manipulate or understand. This is not the only case of limited analysis we have learned about, but the problem is much bigger than that. For every bit of potentially alien evidence we have encountered, we have been limited in our ability to verify its origins. Our techniques of analysis - astronomical, biological, and technological - are too primitive and not exactly designed for the class of evidence we are seeing. When we analyze something of an apparently alien nature, we don't really want to know whether it's foreign; we want to know where it's from. But there is no microscope designed to tell us the origin planet of a given metal fragment, or to decipher ultrasonic signatures, or radiological emanations from the landing site of a craft.
Second is the problem of use. Having realized that we have no means for accessing the mysteries whose remnants of non-human activity have been and are being witnessed on our planet, we must admit that even if we did, we would not be able to benefit from such access. Even if the function and origin of a body implant were known, what would that get us? Are we really going to stop there? If we discovered that we were being watched, tracked, manipulated, and altered in various ways, and assuming that we even learned the reasons why, what would we do with that information? It would certainly prove to be the greatest Maalox™ moment in human history, a monumental experience that could not be digested in our current state of consciousness.
And there is the actual problem: our current state of consciousness. We are fixated on who, what, where, when, and how. Those questions aren't as crucial as why, which reveals a threshold between knowledge and understanding. Knowledge doesn't lead to understanding, only leads to more questions. True understanding comes from within, and this seemingly mystical terrain is one that many have prevented themselves from entering.
And this will be the topic of our next article. Until then, many blessings.